09 Jan, 2018

World’s first solar panel mural unveiled in San Antonio

World’s first solar panel mural unveiled in San Antonio

Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency | UNITED STATES | 05 Dec, 2017
Published by : Eco Media Asia

In a world where solar farms are shaped like giant pandas, there’s certainly room for some solar butterflies. Determined to beautify our cities by converting solar panels into creative works of public art, the Seattle-based Land Art Generator Initiative just unveiled the world’s first solar mural installation, called La Monarca, by San Antonio artist Cruz Ortiz with creative direction from artist Penelope Boyer.


La Mariposa solar mural – recently unveiled at the San Antonio Arts Festival, Luminaria – was created through advanced PV Film technology that lets light easily pass through the printed film that adheres to the panels. The beautiful mural is just the first step in the Land Art Generator’s plan to combine sustainable energy infrastructures withpublic art. Working with local artists, architects, landscape architects, engineers and scientists, the organization hopes to provide more collaborative platforms that enable cities to put a new artsy spin on their clean energy generation.


According to the artist, La Monarca was inspired by San Antonio’s status as the National Wildlife Federation’s first Monarch Butterfly Champion CityA fitting symbol to be put on a clean energy installation, the monarch butterfly represents the threat that wildlife faces due to global warming and climate change.

After the festival, the solar art mural will be moved to its permanent home inside a pollinator garden on the EPICenter campus in San Antonio where it will be used to generate solar energy directly into the building.

Article from inhabitat.com

by Nicole Jewell