04 Dec, 2015

INFOGRAPHIC: How smart cities are creating a greener future

INFOGRAPHIC: How smart cities are creating a greener future

Green ICT | UNITED STATES | 04 Dec, 2015
Published by : Ecotechtube

Advances in technology are quickly paving the way for smart cities. A smart city is an urban center that harnesses technologies, such as IT, to improve the quality of life of residents, manage available resources such as roads and water in economically sustainable manner, and reduce environmental pollution. According to figures published by the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), smart city technologies will grow to an industry worth $27.5 billion by 2023. In addition, the world will be home to about 88 smart cities by 2025. To learn more about smart cities of the future and how big data will play a role in improving the efficiency and sustainability of urban living, checkout the infographic below created by the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Online Masters in Computer Science program.

Original post from : inhabitat.com
By: Kristine Lofgren