Composite Timber


Why is your product Green?


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Industrial logging of the world's primary forests is rapidly destroying the habitats of thousands of animal and plant species and depleting our planet of its oxygen reserves. The situation today is of concern to us all: we need to halt the destructive exploitation of hardwoods responsible for this widespread desforestion.

WPC Corporation invented and developed a substitute for Wood made from softwood waste and recycled polymer resins

This new material had the appearance and qualities of the rarest species of Wood, offering a truly; eco-friendly alternative, and met with instant success. The Extremely demanding Japanese market was won over by quality and exceptional lifespan of this product, which followed the Shintoist tradition of respect for, and love of, nature. Wood Plastic Composite material is available today in Asia, and especially in Japan, where it holds a 60% market share in architectural landscaping in the public and private construction sector in world market.